block filtering testing
Umajin Analytics uses Matomo as a system of analysing what people are doing with your app. You can get Umajin Analytics to measure which pages...
Tutorials Explore And Learn How To Interact With Umajin In Our Library Of Tutorials All Components Beginner Intermediate Expert Custom Form Basics - Validation Overview...
The Tool Bar makes organizing navigation easy. Customize your Tool Bar design, icons and transitions. The Tool Bar lets you add images/text/buttons/icons in a row...
A button that lets you toggle between two states, and customize actions for each of those states. Properties for Toggle Button Component Name When...
Repeat an image in a tiling pattern. This component has presets that can be loaded into your Project. This component enables you to create a...
Text Styles Umajin has a style editor labelled the ‘Styles Inspector’ which can be used to set styles that will apply globally across your project....